Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Three most unexpected things you must do to prepare for Hurricane Florence!

The internet and social media is swarming with content about Hurricane Florence. Jokes, advice, predictions...everyone has something to say about #HurricaneFlorence

You can drop your searching and scrambling and buying up all the food in the grocery store because I have the ONLY three things you must do to prepare for Hurricane Florence! And they will be NOT what you are expecting to hear AT ALL.

#1 Stop contributing to the PANIC.
"OMG it's coming our way!" Don't join the crowd buying up all the bread and water acting as though it is certain we are doomed. Don't buy up extra insurance "just in case." The Bible says we do not have a spirit of fear, but of power, of love, and a sound mind. Any fear-based comment or action you make is feeding into the devil's schemes. We shouldn't elevate the works of the enemy. On the contrary, if you feel like the Lord is telling you to evacuate, or to stock up on emergency supplies, do it. What God is telling you trumps any advice you hear. It is one thing to have no fear and trust the Lord. It is another to act foolish. Just make sure whatever you are doing or not doing in preparation for Florence, you are not doing it out of FEAR.

#2 Choose to believe in God's protection.
Deuteronomy 30:19 says, "...I have given you the choice between life and death, between blessings and curses..." Psalm 23 says that God "prepares a table for me in the presence of my enemies." So many places in the Bible it talks about when we are faced with trouble, not if. It is no surprise that in this fallen world, bad things are going to happen. But God offers us a higher road if we so choose it. He promises to be with us in trouble and hold us up in the protection of his hand!

#3 Take a stand of Faith.
Pleading, begging God is not showing that we have faith. Hebrews 11:6 says it best, "And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him." According to Luke 10:19 God has given us authority over all the power of the enemy and nothing will hurt us. It is up to us to exercise that God-given authority. Walk you property pleading the blood of Jesus. Ask for divine protection. "You do not have because you do not ask." -James 4:2 DECLARE that the storm will die out. DECLARE that no matter what your home and your family is protected. Read Psalm 91 out loud while you walk about your home. "His faithful promises are your armor and protection." -Psalm 91:4 REJOICE that the Lord is good, always, no matter what!

Getting back to #2, "choosing to believe in God's protection," I want to share a story about a man that did these three things when faced with the 100 year flood that happened in South Carolina in October 2015. He knew how to live by faith and exercised it by praying and believing Psalm 91 for his home and family. Read David Jenkins' experience with the 100 year flood and how God supernaturally protected his home! This link will take you to an external site where I have permission to share his story and you can read all about it on "page 11." Click here

Saturday, January 20, 2018

The Coolest Gender Reveal Award Goes To...

Josh and Nicole Joiner wanted to do something amazing for their second baby's gender reveal. It was hard to top their first gender reveal, fireworks! I took this image of them in February 2016, when they found out for the first time that they were having a baby girl.
But they came up with an idea that was very unique and fit their personalities very well! Josh and Nicole met while riding their bikes with a group of mutual friends in 2010. The theme, "Heels or Wheels" was a perfect fit!

Friends and family gathered at Nicole's parents' home to celebrate the couple and see the big reveal.
Nicole's brother was the only one that knew the gender, and got powder packs from You can check them out on their Facebook page, too. Since the color was sealed in a black pack, nobody knew the color until the smoke hit the pavement!
They are so excited to welcome another baby GIRL in May, Kelsie Lee Joiner! Comment below and leave some love for Nicole and Josh! More images from their party will be posted on their gallery on Sunday,
Give me a shout if you are planning a gender reveal, I would love to photograph it!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Hello, I have something to share...

FINALLY. I created a blog. I said I wasn't going to do it many, many times. But, here I am. I just have too much to share not to blog!
So, let me tell you a little bit about me and what you have to look forward to!
I'm Jessica Meetze. I live in Newberry, South Carolina with my husband, son, and dog. And I am trying really hard to type this right now without losing this post as my almost-two-year-old is sitting on my lap, touching the keyboard.
I'm a mom to the most awesome little boy ever! I'm happy to share how I went from not liking kids, to being completely head-over-heels for my son, Troy! I certainly have a lot to share in this department.
Image by Jordan Blackwell, JH Photography!
Troy, messy eater!
And making more messes!

But he likes to get clean, too!

I'm a wife to a hottie named Luke. If I'm completely honest, I'm not looking forward to sharing some of the struggles we've been through, but if it would help someone, I am willing to open up my heart a little bit! Our story is rather interesting, and certainly a good read!
JH Photography

I'm a dog-mom... that sounds odd. Let's just go with, I have a dog and she's cute and fluffy. I don't have much to share about Chloe, my ten year old Shih Tzu, other than cute pictures, but who doesn't love a cute fluffy doggie!
JH Photography

Ummm, oh! I'm a Photographer. I know, I know, just about everyone is a "photographer" these days. And I'm past the point of even caring if people think I'm a real Professional Photographer or just a mom with a camera. So, you can do your own judging. Expect to see posts about what I've photographed recently and a little about my awesome clients! Check out my newly revamped and relaunched website at I've still got some more work to do on it, but it's basically ready to be viewed now!
Photographing a wedding in Kauai, Hawaii, July 2017.

I'm a gardener! I love growing flowers! and plants! and trees! and vegetables! but didn't discover my green thumb until I was 34....
Jessica: "Luke, how old am I? I'm 34, right?"
Luke: "Yeah, I think so. You're pretty old."
That's what I get for robbing the cradle. I've learned so much over the past year about gardening and if you looked at my yard you would think I have been doing this my whole life! But just wait and see for yourself!
My Texas Star Hibiscus, flowering this past December.

Troy sharing his water with my flowers in my "tropical garden" in November.

I'm a DIY Queen! Sure, why not. I love to do little projects around the house. I'm pretty crafty and would love to share some of the things I created so you can make them, too!

And last, but certainly not least, I'm a Jesus imitator. I choose that term over follower because I believe you can follow something without putting action to it. I am really trying to be more like Jesus and I am excited to tell you about some of the miracles I've witnessed, what I've been learning about the Word of God, and just how I've struggled and grown in my faith.
So, hello, nice to introduce myself to you! Give me a shout out and let me know what you are looking most forward to hearing about!